Comment 56065

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted January 12, 2011 at 16:22:06

Council, here's one more idea:

What if we move forward with a smaller WH stadium, saving some FF money in the process, and we earmark some future fund money to help the cats renovate IWS? This way we can ensure they are bargaining in good faith rather than trying to hijack significant public funds for their own interest.

Then they have a choice - help with expansion of WH -OR- accept our help and repair IWS. Two very viable and fair alternatives - better deals than they will find anywhere else in the country.

The problem with going full bore with IWS is that this is not a "plan" it is simply an "idea". And there are so many questions - IMPORTANT ONES - that we cannot afford to just blindly stamp it simply because we want the decision to be over with.

May I suggest that if we are going to propose IWS, we also submit our own plan B - the scalable stadium plan that is already 99% written and studied and would be approved easily.

If we go in with this shell of a plan for IWS and HostCo says that we have not answered enough of their requirements, we are screwing ourselves by not giving them another Hamilton option

Have we not learned from all of this that we need to take everything from Bob Young's mouth with a little grain of salt?

And a final note - previous council voted on WH many times. Based on public support shown in person, in the paper, on the internet, etc, the citizens of Hamilton clearly favour it. Does it not seem unconscionable to simply ignore the pleas of the citizens? Why did everyone bother to come out to council and spend an entire day passionately supporting WH if they were just going to be ignored?

Thanks again for your time - I can't believe we are finally closing in on this!


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