Comment 56039

By Win Wynne (anonymous) | Posted January 12, 2011 at 14:46:11

If BY and the Tigercats want to beat lingering hostility to the IWS bid, they should find a way to get total renovation cost below $100m and put in at least $10m private money. That gets total public contribution down to $90m tops. Given ratio split of 2/3 : 1/3 for Hostco : City, that means the Pan Am host corporation puts in $58m and the City puts in $32 million. This does two things: 1) Frees up at least $12m Hostco money to invest into a more permanent Velodrome. 2) Frees up at least $12m FF money to clean Rheem. I don't see any reasonable WH supporter not accept this.

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