Comment 56027

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted January 12, 2011 at 13:50:29

I have to say...the idea of a IWS revamp is probably the best I've heard so far. If that's what it's going to take to finally end this nonsense, then I'm not necessarily opposed. It is at least as good of a site as the West Harbour.

What I take great exception to is the way that the costs of such a revamp seem to have been calculated by adding what the city can offer to the Federal/Provincial/Hostco money. $115 for stadium rennovations? This town isn't made of money. We all need to make a serious decision if we're going to be spending this kind of money - are the Ti-Cats a public asset, or a private corporation? Because if they're just a private business which doesn't have to or want to "play ball" with the public, then we need to treat them as such. It wasn't that many days ago that they were promising Burlington that they, as a city, wouldn't pay a cent - well, what about us?

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