Comment 56020

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted January 12, 2011 at 13:28:17


My point is that it is impossible to revise, edit or reassemble the current WH plan accurately because there is absolutely no data for a community use 6000 seater in it. They are completely different animals and can only be studied as unique entities unto themselves.

Once again, you deflect (and still not answer) your accountability for what you wrote while putting accountability on me something I have never written about:

You said that it would not be feasible to revise the WH business plan from 25,000 seats to 6,000 seats in two weeks... by your very own logic, it would seem to be impossible to create an IWS business plan in the same amount of time

Why won't you defend YOUR statements without trying to leave $h!t smears on me for something (yet again) I have never discussed?

I believe an IWS plan is already in existence, however the best person to ask is Lawrence, he has been all over IWS for years now. Here is his web site:

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