Comment 55855

By ImproveTheHammer (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 23:10:49

Any lawyers around? Is there a case to be made for the Hamilton Citizens to form a class action law suit against the Tigercats for saying they wouldn't ever play at IW, causing the city to waste millions of dollars exploring other sites?

Can't we start to mend some fences? The city had grandiose plans for the cash. The Ticats had grandiose plans for the cash. Both have been quashed in a compromise agreement that at least has some cost certainty.

The last thing I want is for our city to air its dirty laundry in a courtroom against one of its most oldest and most famous businesses. If the city votes to go ahead, we need to put on our fake smiles and work together. Let's build a stadium (on budget) that we can be proud of. Let's revitalize the surrounding area.

Suing a company does no one any good. Convincing others that Hamilton is a good place to spend lots of money on the other hand does.

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