Comment 55835

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 22:07:57

I sent a couple of emails to Farr as he is my councillor, and got a somewhat vague, but polite and prompt response back. But this response is extremely weak. He supports remediation of the WH, but at the same time supports using the ENTIRE PanAm allocation to renovate IWS? The two are mutually exclusive, as everyone knows. There is no money left for WH if the IWS reno motion passes tomorrow. The IWS solution will leave no amateur sports legacy for this city, and does not in any way contribute to "the best place to raise a child." Also, not sure where his confidence that PanAm will accept the IWS solution, as it really does not fulfill the amateur athletics legacy requirement, and Ian Troop's statement gives me not a bit of confidence.

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