Comment 55821

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 21:24:37 Just when this story seemingly could not get any uglier... we now have confirmation that the Government of Ontario interfered in our city's legitimate political process and suggested our Mayor give the Ti-Cats a call re: the IWS site. Why on earth was the province negotiating with the Ti-Cats? Why is our provincial government so intent on getting a new stadium for the Ti-Cats (at the expense of a the stated goal of the PanAm games to create a lasting amateur athletics legacy)? It seems to me that this is why the Ti-Cats, seemingly with not a card to play, keep hijacking this process again and again. The old story of friends in high places. This is so undemocratic... just sickening really. I hope our council does not cave in to this travesty of a process and this travesty of a deal. Its the taxpayers of Hamilton who will end up cheated.

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