Comment 55814

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 21:17:16

It's being mentioned here that the Ticats might control parking revenue and naming rights. Is this for real? Is that a possibility? Why in the world would the city give them that?? That would be the worst deal imaginable! The way I think it should go is who ever puts up the money above and beyond the hostco dollars gets their percentage of revenue. So, if Hamilton puts up 100% of the money above and beyond Hostco, then they should get 100% of revenue generated by the stadium and it's parking etc. If The Ticats want to put up, lets say, 1/2 of the money , and split the cost above and beyond the Hostco contribution, then the city and ticats can split the revenue 50/50. Unless the Ticats are making an investment, it boggles the mind that anyone would even think about giving up revenue.

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