Comment 55812

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 21:07:25

The more I contemplate this latest "proposal" by the two Bobs, the more absurd it grows. By Bratina's own admission this resulted from Young musing...hmmmm... how about we put IWS back on the table as a site. Bratina grabbed Young by the arm and literally melted with joy. This as mayor of a city that held all the negotiating chips in this game. So it seems the two Bobs spent a gleeful night of talk, culminating in a 5.45am email to city council by our mayor. And then a press conference. Suddenly the Ti-Cats are claiming this stadium upgrade will cost .... $115M ... which coincidentally is the entire funding available to Hamilton for the PanAm games ($70M fed/prov funding and $45M Future Fund money). It is a PanAm games miracle materializing before our very eyes. Now they are going to ask council to approve a completely uncosted proposal, with no studies, no construction estimates, no timelines. The City does not even own all the land under discussion. Its just so amateur. If we continue down this path we wil end up with nothing and the PanAm money will end up in Mississauga or somewhere else in the GTA.

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