Comment 55795

By realfreeenterpriser (registered) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 20:12:19

If you compare every proposed site you'll find that, of all of them, this plan takes the most money from taxpayers and the least money from Bob Young.

For once Brad Clark is right. If this works, then why doesn't the West Harbour? Answer: because it requires money from the Tiger-Cats. At Ivor Wynne taxpayers get to pay it all and the Tiger-Cats get to control it with no spin-offs for anyone else.

Has anyone seen the 20 year lease?

Clearly, Bob Young has been blowing smoke all along. All of the "reasons" the West Harbour wouldn't work according to him and Scott Mitchell exist at Ivor Wynne in spades. When asked about access and visibility on CH Young actually said this site is close to Burlington Street????????

The scalable stadium at West Harbour is looking better by the minute.

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