Comment 55786

By told you so (anonymous) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 19:18:13

"As the City of Hamilton and its community partners continue to work towards a stadium solution, TO2015 looks forward to seeing the City's complete plan before the February 1, 2011 deadline"

This statement in conjunction with this one

"Hamilton City Council is scheduled to meet January 12th to determine what's in the best interest of the community. T02015 will not be in a position to provide additional commentary on today's announcement until Hamilton's plan has been received, reviewed and evaluated against our Games' criteria."

doesnot suggest there is any problem with the concept of the plan but your version suggests that there is. Selective quoting to make something fit your agenda is not reporting its dishonest editorializing whether its RTH, The Hamiltonian, CHML or The Spectator.

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