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By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 11, 2011 at 16:24:56
George, I don't want to see anything happen to Parkview either. I know one of the teachers there. Our band performed there recenttly. The teachers and students were great to us. The talks seem to be that it is closing, so if that is true, that land could be encorporated into the stadium. I agree with the quesiton 'to be used how often?' I don't know the answer to that one. It doesn't have to tower above the houses. Even just a few levels for players, coaching and stadium staff, reporters, etc.
My question is where do those students go? That was a very touching article that makes it even more obvious, that that school is needed. The minute I heard of it's closure I wanted to know how that school could be saved. I know it doesn't seem like it with me jumping on tearing it down and building a parking garage. I know I took offence when people talked about ripping down Ivor Wynne and buildig a seniors residence. Nothing against seniors residences, but it just didn't seem to be the proper replacement. Just like I am sure to many, a parking garage wouldn't be the replacement of Parkview they had invisioned. At 300 students, do they need a school that large? Cna't invision how much of that lot is Parkview, and what is actually part of the school behind it off of Gage?
I think there is great value to that school being across the street, but it seems to need a lot of work so let's do something with it. When you read that story, you realize it ads something to the community. It highlights the stadium being in the middle of a community, the churches making money for their charities from Cats games, etc. It all creates a nice synergy in a very special way. Community is truly alive and well in that neighborhood, so this stadium project if it comes to fruition, needs to encorporate as much of this as posible. Embrace it all.
That story reminds me of the book 'Twas' (sequel to Angela's Ashes), by Frank McCourt. Great novel by the way.
There was a lot of hootin' and hollering going on when our band played at Parkview. Not for us mind you (laughing). They were just a fun bunch of kids, and the teachers put on an entertaining show as well. I have never seen so many guitars and amps in one place. I wish we could have stayed for the whole show to see what kind of talent was in that room.
I apppoligize if I offended anyone with talks of clearing Parkview. I certainly meant no disrespect. The principle sounds like an amazing man. I have had compassionate teachers like him. They truly do make a world of difference. John Wismer was one of those teachers for me. He might have just saved my life in a round about way.
Ward 3 Trustee for HWDSB.
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