Comment 55674

By myrcurial (registered) - website | Posted January 11, 2011 at 14:08:06


And we're right back to the math.

As long as my 90+ year old grandparent and 60+ year old parents continue to vote for the same bread and circuses they've enjoyed for the latter half of the 20th century, my vote doesn't count - I'm always in the minority -- it's 3:1 on every single vote.

The same "whoops" that had boomers ready to retire in 2008 deciding to keep on working (why the hell did you have your entire retirement savings in mutual funds w/ 90% equity) and continue the upside-down situation in the workplace is going to affect the political 'workplace' as well.

I am whining. I know I am. However, I'm also watching the incumbency parade known as local politics in Hamilton and I'm happy as hell when they keep the screwups to a minimum.

I hate the way this stadium debate has taken centre stage over much more important parts of community building like transit/LRT, two-way streets, livable city, best place to raise children, lead pipe abatement process that isn't fundamentally insane / is available to renters, etc. --- however, I'm glad that Hamilton is likely not going to lose the only professional sports team we have because we seem to have lost everything else that would allow us to take pride in who and what we are -- defined by statements that are not semantically equivalent to "we're not Toronto".

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