Comment 55494

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted January 11, 2011 at 09:06:50

What a waste of a year of everyone's time.

IWS is not a great location, and my impression was that everyone, from the ti-cats, to the residents, to out of town users thought it was a rather poor location for a professional sports stadium from just about every standpoint.

Given the anti-ticat sentiment that I've heard after the aldershot proposal was announced, even among long-time ti-cat fans who began to realize that the ti-cats had been playing shenanigans of their own, I'm really not all that surprised that the ti-cats are agreeing to a compromise site, but I'm honestly shocked that they'd prefer IWS over a new build at the West Harbour.

Is this Merulla's chance to say "told you so" ? (It was Merulla who wanted to rennovate IWS, wasn't it?)

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