Comment 55431

By slodrive (registered) | Posted January 10, 2011 at 16:24:19

(think I posted this in the wrong article....I'll post it again. Apologies for the double-dip.)

For hypothetical arguments sake (since I think the ship has sailed) just wanted to throw out a question here -- and feel free to relay your answer through the up/ down vote if it doesn't warrant a reply. (I won't take a -12 personally!! LOL!)

What if, as a last ditch effort, the city guaranteed any Ticat losses over, say $500,000, to the team under the condition that they play at the West Harbour and that a rainy day fund (a la Saskatchewan Roughriders) was introduced (so, if the team is profitable, a small percentage goes into the fund.)

When replying/ voting assume that both city and team deal in good faith and books are relatively open.

A situation like this, while it could make tax payers cringe a bit, would ensure both parties have some skin in the game are motivated to find additional investment and revenue streams.

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