Comment 5539

By David (anonymous) | Posted February 20, 2007 at 07:43:10

Interesting that what originally looked like hardline suicidal tendancies by Nejad is beginning to look more like brilliance of knowing back then he is in a win-win situation, and pivital to US hegemony - something we might have expected from a power other than Iran. With the Russia - China - India alliance now forming, the Iran - Venezuela alliance, and worldwide disdane for the US imperialism, essentially supporting Nejad's position, the US is is really in a lose-lose position. They will appear desparate if they attack Iran against all the obvious repercussions such as oil disruption, and no longer a superpower if they are so easily backed-off by the likes of Iran, which added to the defeat in Iraq, may mark the end of US world dominance. The US will be left with the original problems - ever increasing needed support of the dollar, and a serious energy problem. The US is truly backed into a corner like never before in history.

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