Comment 55329

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted January 10, 2011 at 09:32:32


Nice to be speaking in hypotheticals isn't it? I'm out of touch?

  1. Burlington is not even on HOSTSCO's plan B list. There are 3 other municipalities in the queue before they will even talk to Burlington. Mississauga, New Market, Toronto (York U)

2.Aldershot is an idea. NOT A SELECTED SITE. It was put forward by an opportunistic developer looking to have Burlington taxpayers foot the bill to build infrastructure into land he owns NEAR a highway but with no ACCESS to a highway. There has been no public input, no city staff time to research the proposal. Angelo Paletta is the ONLY other investor besides Bob Young interested.

  1. The only reason the site hasn't been settled in Hamilton is because Bob Young and his lap dog "Scotty" Mitchell have seen fit to torpedo a public process at the eleventh hour. They played the classic pro sports card of trying to extort a municipality by threatening to move. Only this is an empty threat because they have nowhere to go. If they did and the deal was so much better than the one they have now they would have been gone by now. They have bungled this from the moment Scott Mitchell uttered "we will never play at West Harbour". Which by the way is the stupidest and most amateur thing to do in any negotiation. The Tiger Cats have painted themselves into a corner and they are going to end up with nothing.

  2. If Aldershot is SUCH A GREAT SITE. Why haven't any other investors besides Paletta lined up? Why hasn't Bob Young put more money on the table? Because it isn't going to happen.

  3. You're going to have to do better than insult me and put forward weak arguments. I've been called worse by better people.

Comment edited by Shempatolla on 2011-01-10 09:35:26

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