Comment 55328

By Brandon (registered) | Posted January 10, 2011 at 09:25:26


Aldershot is great, except for the following minor issues:

1) There's now a $60,000,000 funding drop, unless you expect Hamilton to fork over Future Fund money to build a stadium in Burlington.

2) Burlington is being told that the stadium won't cost the city anything. Heh.

3) There's 21 days to make the decision, not nearly enough time to get any facts together.

4) Hamilton would have to agree to not get anything so that the Hostco funding could go there instead.

As far as WH goes, Whitestar already owns a lot of property in the area and is waiting for a green light on the stadium to begin development on it. There have been some beautiful plans put forward by them for the stadium and the area surrounding it.

As far as Bob Young is concerned, the only problem with the WH location is that he can't capture all the revenue around it, which is what he's after. He's welcome to that money if he builds his own stadium with his own money.

It's closer to the highway than some of his other proposed locations, it has more parking available than some of his other locations, it has easier access than most of his other locations if you assume parking downtown and a few minute walk to the stadium. It's right next to a train station. Downtown is the main hub of public transit. It's all there, except for that little facet known as revenue capture.

My suggestion is to build the scalable stadium at WH and if Bob wants his shiny new stadium and finally accepts that the days of sports owners holding cities hostages is gone, it's there for him to invest in.

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