Comment 55307

By CaptainKirk (anonymous) | Posted January 09, 2011 at 22:56:07

Avenger wrote, "I fear Council and RTH as well as the Spectator are only focused on one thing: how can we screw the Tiger Cats?"

Of course not!

They are all concerned about what's best for the city. It's called priorities. the Tiger-Cats come after the city, not before. Spending tens of millions of city dollars MUST do much more than just make the Tiger-Cats sustainable. There MUST be significant benefits for our city. Any other approach would have be irresponsible. Council has done, and, is doing, a very good job of protecting our interests. the same applies to protecting Confederation Park.

The city of Hamilton could have had a 6,000 seat a while ago. The ONLY reason, and I repeat, the ONLY reason there have been so many deadline extensions granted by HOSTCO was to allow for the city to try to accommodate the Tiger-Cats. No other reason.

Again, the city, if it wanted, could have already gone ahead with the 6,000 seat stadium option, but they did not for the sake of the Tiger-Cats and its fans.

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