Comment 55221

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted January 08, 2011 at 15:19:49

^I agree with Andrea. I am ok with the FoF moving to Ancaster, if the intent is to continue to grow it to a larger and larger draw. I think Lorne Lieberman stated that the FoF is already a regional tourism draw, but it is under pressure trying to attract international acts in the same venue. I attended this year, and the crowd was impressive, although the lineup was not really my taste. I can appreciate the contributions of Peter Murphy, Squeeze, and Gord Downie, but it's not exactly what I am listening to currently. Nevertheless, these names are a draw for many people, so it's a good thing. The Sound of Music Festival seemed to have more hip Canadian performers, in my opinion. Lieberman's comment, if I remember correctly from the Civic league conversation, was that the residents were not the one's responsible for the complaints about parking. He said that the feedback the organizers received from neigbours did not support what the city was saying about the issue. Was there real concern from residents about the direction this festival was going? Was it a minority that was complaining? Does anyone know?

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