Comment 55093

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 07, 2011 at 15:07:35

There is a report that shows the cost to demolish much of IWS and replace/updgrade it. That $93M dollar amount that keeps popping up. Add 3% for each year after 2009 I believe to that cost. That was of course the cost to upgrade a 30,000 seat stadium. You are right @mrjanitor. The land is ours, it's already serviced with hydro/water.

It's not an approved location like the Harbor. Approved, voted on 7 times, etc, but the game has changed. If we send that quote back and have it ammended to show total demolision and an approximate cost for a 6,000 seater, I don't see how we could not do that in 3 weeks time.

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