Comment 55088

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted January 07, 2011 at 14:50:16


I have to challenge your post by asking what is there to study at IWS? A stadium has existed there for 80 years, what surprise issues are going to suddenly 'pop-up'? The location has been a proven entity for almost a century, what does the city staff have to recommend? Whether a stadium at Balsam is viable? What the infrastructure costs will be to service the site? What is the cost of the land? Will there be a community backlash due to the usage being changed ala Confed Park? Whether there are synergies for the community with the ball parks, pool and rink all beside? Is there public transit available? Will it be close to the LRT node for Scott Park? If IWS is being replaced, I really don't understand what has to be studied or recommended other than the design.

Comment edited by mrjanitor on 2011-01-07 14:55:38

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