Comment 55057

By Lester (anonymous) | Posted January 07, 2011 at 13:57:52

The point being that the Tiger-Cats told Burlington City council that a large portion of the money could come from HostCo - and Ian Troop has stated that Hamilton has first call on those funds. Thus, the only way that The Tiger-Cats can hold true to that promise to Burlington is to scuttle (out of spite perhaps?) Hamilton's decision to access them. I am not suggesting that Brad Clark is 'In their Pocket" but the Cats need to screw up the works one more time if they intend to get what they want - and Brad Clark has supported a number of their arguments pretty much from the beginning, so approaching Clark and asking him to file the motion would be one way to try and do in the Hamilton bid IF they did approach him - I don't know if they did or did not. Conversely it would make sense to BY's consortium to try and get Hamilton out of the picture regarding the HostCo funds.

Aging, this boils down to a simple action - contact your councillors and ask them to vote the motion to explore Confed. Park down, then vote down Clark's motion, and vote to inform HostCo that a scalable stadium at West Harbour is a go, and can be started pronto.

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