Comment 55051

By slodrive (registered) | Posted January 07, 2011 at 13:36:27

@highwater I think the age in and around 50 is the season ticket holder average. Which, makes sense given they are usually the heads of households and have the means to afford a few hundy of their discretionary income.

My impression at the stadium is that there's a pretty decent cross-section of demo's that you'd expect at a sporting event. Obviously, every marketeer would like to see a bigger bubble of younglings in there -- that 15-21 age group is particularly valuable but under-indexes for CFL ball in this area (likely, because there's a whole whack for them to choose from). But overall, I can't see the Ticat study to be shockingly different than a lot of other franchises. (The Raptors, as an example, would probably be lower -- but their circus-like/ uber cheezy gameday presentation coupled with ticket packages for pennies would contribute to that.)

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