Comment 54986

By jonathan dalton (registered) | Posted January 07, 2011 at 10:59:05

I wonder where my councillor (Jason Farr) stands on this one, with a Burlington stadium as unlikely as a Confederation Park stadium at this point. From a keeping the Tiger Cats point of view, the scalable stadium option is really the best because it allows the Cats to return under new management. No stadium means the Cats are out of options, period. Unless they can wrangle something out of the Plan B site, and I doubt Hostco would even touch that one.

Myself I'm not entirely sold on the idea. I'd like to go ahead with the west harbour just to stick it to current Ticats management, but that isn't necessarily a good use of city resources. The community use argument has merit, but we still don't have any figures for city versus provincial / federal contribution, or even the cost to begin with. Lets ask Ian Troop for some real numbers so we can make this decision properly.

Comment edited by jonathan dalton on 2011-01-07 11:02:30

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