Comment 54761

By Sad Festivalhead (anonymous) | Posted January 06, 2011 at 11:57:31

The move from Gage Park is simply the latest hugely disappointing step in Festival of Friends' never-ending death spiral. Ancaster may have a nice new Fairgrounds but, as far as I can see, it's an awful venue for something like the FoF. Barren fields might work for livestock and tractors but not leisurely days exploring new art and music (although the FoF line-up in recent years has been pretty casino-grade anyway).
For now, I guess I'll have to join the 130,000 others who go to Victoria Park in downtown London each for the free Home County Folk Festival (and other events). Home County is what FoF should/could be and shows the slide that has occurred with our event here over the years all too clearly (google to find their website if you're unfamiliar with it!).
Best wishes and high hopes to Gary and whoever might want to fight to bring back original arts and music to our City's heart! FoF in its Gage Park setting will be really missed.

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