Comment 547

By fastcars (registered) | Posted June 01, 2006 at 22:29:09

I'm all for renovation--don't get me wrong. If someone owned that building that was interested in renovation, I'd be thrilled. When you get down to facts though, what LIUNA has decided they want to do with the property doesn't involved restoration. LIUNA's plan is for Class A office space, which isn't a viable option in the existing building. Since LIUNA has no back up plan and monied developers aren't exactly beating down the doors to buy the building--all that will come of a rejection of demolition will be continued years of rot and deterioration. When you consider LIUNA's work at the CN station, The Connaught, involvement with TradePort and planned development at Pier 8--I think it would be extremely unfair to call them poor corporate citizens.

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