Comment 54626

By Lester (anonymous) | Posted January 05, 2011 at 15:10:00

Agreed with mrjanitor, and it is nice to see the extent to which we can manitain our planning and political autonomy while pursuing development that benefits all in the city, rather than pandering to a private interest that wants us to build a stadium for them at their location of choice and yet insist that we the tax payers assume most of the risk.

Moreover, in a city that needs to re-brand itself, it is development like this that can allow Hamilton and its people to shake off the notion that we are nothing more that a city branded by the Canadian Football League and one of its member clubs or steel production alone - thus our brand can start being about our skilled workforce, leadership potential, entreprenurialship, planning vision, and educational/experiential credentials rather than a brand centred around a pro football team.

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