Comment 54555

By George (registered) | Posted January 05, 2011 at 01:14:20

With her permission here is part of an email response from Councilor Partridge:

Confederation: Council also heard that there was not enough time to properly evaluate Confederation Park by January 14th - with Christmas holidays, many consultants and ministry staff needed were away until Jan. 5th. There are significant issues that staff were already aware of and would not have adequate time to review. The deadline of Feb. 1 for Hostco also requires a final detailed cost analysis and budget to be submitted for the site selected. We also heard there would be no extension. The Confed evaluation would have to include analysis from federal Ministry of Fisheries, conservation authorities, provincial ministries and include significant set-backs due to the lake front location.

Opportunity: The responsible thing to do was spend the next few weeks toward Feb. 1 deadline working with our partners, including the TiCats on what would be acceptable short-term and long-term that would include private sector partners. The West Harbour stadium site is still the council approved site on the table. And it may make more sense to go with a smaller stadium as you suggest with a velodrome.

Hamilton is still a participant in the Pan Am games and will receive infrastructure dollars to host soccer, cycling, swim competitions and others. I believe strongly that we will find a solution and the Ti-Cats will remain Hamilton Tiger Cats.

It may appear on the surface that the stadium would work at Confederation Park - the reality when real facts are presented is much clearer that it would not. We cannot do assessments on the fly, making last second decisions of this magnitude.

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