Comment 54295

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted January 03, 2011 at 12:33:29


Please don't let the fact that most on this site don't agree with your article sour you.

It is a very good and well thought out piece no matter how far from RTH consensus it is. I am in that camp, I don't want it at Cofed as in my opinion it does absolutely nothing for anyone other than Bob Young. For some, Confed is a great site, for some it is an acceptable compromise and for others it is the worst of locations.

You must have realized just how far off consensus this article was as I see you have written many times for the site. You also must have realized the opposition that inevitably was coming to your article. You seem to have become very angry and bitter because of that opposition, challenging the bar patrons to shut you up if they dare. I don't know you and am fairly new to RTH but I really doubt that is the kind of person you are. You took a chance, did some very good work and presented it to a very well informed and vocal crowd. I really hope you put the response to this article in perspective and continue writing for RTH.

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