Comment 54123

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted December 31, 2010 at 01:24:58

I have a question.
At a time when we (Banks & Governments) are discouraging people who are not in a position to pay back a large debt, why are we increasing University tuition frequently, & providing no incentive to middle or lower income students other than:'Take out a huge student loan'-?
I don't know if it's still the case, due to the European economic crisis, but as far as i know, Ireland is still paying tuition to any & all students who have good marks & a desire to get a post secondary education. It's called investing in the future of your Country.
I think it's criminal the way this country squanders intellect, & ability. Pretty soon, post secondary education will once again be restricted to the wealthy. If this doesn't create a nasty situation of those born to win & those born to lose, I don't know what will. Hide Bound Class Society -here we go again!

A second question would be: "Why do banks offer high school students, immediately on graduation (with no job or means of support) Credit Cards?"
My daughter was sent many notices from the bank & was requested by tellers on many occasions to have a credit card, which she declined, because at the time, she had no job & no means of repaying the credit. After she had been employed at a full time job at the same place for 3 years, she re-applied several times, & was denied each & every time.
How does that make any sense? We want to start a young person's lives in debt up to the ears, with both with student loans & credit cards? Maybe there will be a job out there for them in their chosen field, or maybe not. That's a major gamble, & it's not one that everyone is prepared to take.

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