Comment 54073

By cut me I bleed Hamilton (anonymous) | Posted December 30, 2010 at 17:08:25

Boy Young has said we need to think out of the box for a stadium solution.( yes Boy instead of Bob )
He probably means Hamilton give me everything I need like your green space, Confed. park or I'm out of Hamilton.
BUT Here are a couple of out of the box ideas.

1 West Harbour- ticats have rejected the cities choice ( remember we have spent 10.2 million on this location already )because of Hwy. access. In the 1970's the city planners recognized a need for a perimeter road. The plan was to widen Burlington rd ( already done ) turn up between Victoria and Wellington St. ( already purchased ) travel beside the cn rail lines . Next it got a little far fetched with a plan to tunnel under Dundurn castle and meet up with the 403 filling in part of Cootes paradise.
While filling in Cootes and tunneling under Dundurn castle are a non starter , certainly taking the first parts of the road swinging it up either Bay or Queen and tying into an already widened York rd and we would have an excellent perimeter road.
Two benefits , better access for WH stadium site and second getting transport trucks off the 4 lane hwy called Cannon street ( remember community building )

2 BY and Cats still won't buy into some needed community building ( see option # 1 )
Back to IW stadium we go.
Tear down the old south side stands , move a new stands complete with modern private boxes ( a must have ) father south into Brian Timmins stadium, giving more room on the sidelines ( better player safety )
If we took part of B.T stadium we could increase the size of the south stands and increase the overall capacity of the stadium to say 35,000.
PARKING ,well if BY is so concerned about getting 20 to 30 bucks per car let him and his investors buy the old Consumer Glass factory.

3 Still isn't working for ya , Boy and the Bob-cats.
Remember this the funding from Hostco is for a Soccer stadium for the Pan_am games.
This funding does not belong to the Hamilton Tiger Cats.
The funding was increased to build a larger stadium for a legacy tenant ( yes the cats ) but Hamilton could choose to build a soccer stadium on the WH site and not worry about a football team that has now said Aldershot is the best site.
I think a building a combination Velodrome and Soccer stadium at WH with reduced Hostco money and future fund money serves the cities needs best.

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