Comment 53529

By Yo Yo Ma (anonymous) | Posted December 22, 2010 at 10:48:23

I'm a football fan, I don't live in Hamilton, and Confederation Park would be a very convenient location for me. That being said, it would be absolutely ridiculous to spend millions of dollars to pave over the nicest park location in the city to build a stadium that will be used a dozen times a year.

The Hamilton Conservation Authority has a responsibility to protect these lands for future generations. Building it at Confederation Park would be the equivalent of (or worse) paving over Bayfront Park and building it there. No stadium is a better solution.

Like I said, I am not a Hamilton taxpayer; if I was, I would be picketing outside of City Hall today. A couple of days of protests will save you all thousands of dollars of taxes in the long run. When do taxpayers stop paying for the whims of politicians or the entertainment of a few thousand middle aged men?

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