Comment 53513

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted December 22, 2010 at 08:32:38

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth - enough said

Actually, if the 'gift' is inappropriate, or not the right fit, or otherwise not aligned with your genuine needs, by all means say 'Thanks, but no thanks.' This is what evolved people, organizations, communities do. It's called maturity.

From where I sit, I'm curious as to where the collective energies that have been applied to this issue will be focused next. Because what it's had going for it garnering attention-wise is that it's a tangible 'thing'. An identifiable acquisition. How will things change when we've put all this behind us and need to look at core issues more than (supposed) core projects? I guess this will be a litmus test, whether social conviction will be as fervent when we're discussing theoreticals and philosophies, how we want our Council to proceed with the greater task at hand, the revitalization of Hamilton.

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