Comment 53488

By Robbie K (anonymous) | Posted December 21, 2010 at 16:10:21

@slodrive .

I agree. I think part of the problem and the reason that WH keeps coming up is that it really honestly is the best choice (and trust me, I am not one of the RTH , WH-or-nothing crowd.. no offence guys). I was okay with the Railyard, but am scared of both the Mountain and even more so, the Park. At the end of the day everything just seems so damned expensive. At least with WH you could justify to a large segment of people dipping into the FF a little more if we needed. You could understand a little more the TiCats not investing a great deal of money (as they are being "forced" to play there).

The 90 million cost includes a lot of things, not only the land itself. The cost of moving CP Rail is included. If you have ever seen the numbers on how much it takes to build a bridge or something you will start to understand, moving rail lines, or building the switch infrastructure elsewhere is expensive, and that cost is to be shouldered by us (CP Would not have to do it if they were not being "evicted").

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