Comment 53482

By slodrive (registered) | Posted December 21, 2010 at 15:12:57


Well said. The only point I'd like to make (and I include myself in this assessment) is that most of the Confed Park/ EM/ Aldershot, etc... naysayers have been light on offering potential alternatives.

I know it's easy to say that "there's lots of room in Hamilton", but there's rarely a bona fide suggestion. That's not due to lack of effort, but largely due to lack of information from the city and/or actual lack of suitable property. Aside from waving the West Harbour flag -- which, since we've been down that path umpteen times, is not really productive.

I'll admit it...I really don't like Confederation Park for the reasons mentioned, I want to see the Ticats AND the city thrive, but I don't have a solution. I thought Aberdeen was it. I thought that was the compromise most could live with. How that property skyrockets to that kind of price is beyond me. But, this is where we are.

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