Comment 53439

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted December 21, 2010 at 11:18:36

This is my last time saying this. We are in the "westerlies", the wind will come from behind the stadium if the stadium opens-up towards the Lake. It's an advantage.

Trey, you have missed my point twice now. I'm not sure if it's an inability on my part to communicate clearly or an inability on your part to comprehend things.

Yes, we are in the "Westerlies" (in the summer anyway). The wind, however, will not always come from behind the stadium. I'm not arguing with you that if you're going to leave one side of the stadium open, it should be the NE side. Good idea. I'm arguing with your matter of fact statement that the wind always comes out of the West. It doesn't. Take a look at the coming week's forecast for example. For the next 7 days, the wind is forecast to come out of the N or NW. This makes sense as the prevailing winds here in the winter are, in fact, NW.

When the wind is blowing out of the N, NW, or NE, the last place I'd want to be as a football fan, is on the lakefront.

Why are we debating one single point I made? It's done. The wind direction benefits Confederation Park. The end.

We're not debating one single point. Some of us are debating every single point you've made. Although I don't think that if a stadium is down wind or up wind from a factory should have much weight when considering where a stadium goes, since you mention it... how does the wind direction favour Confederation Park again? It is down wind of the industry from the Westerlies that you mention. The other sites are not.

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