Comment 53413

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted December 21, 2010 at 10:09:38

It's interesting that no WH supporters mention that a GO Station is planned at the site.

At which site? There is one planned within about 600m of the WH location. The walk from this planned station to the WH location would be along relatively quiet, safe streets.

There is also, apparently (does anyone have a link to this decision?), a station planned on Centennial? which is within about 600m of Confederation park. If this is the site you mean, why do you find it interesting that no one else mentioned it? You already mentioned it! The walk from this planned station to Confederation Park would be along a busy, ugly road and over a highway. I think Centennial might be Hamilton's ugliest road. Ever since I've moved here, the first thing that comes to mind when I'm on Centennial is that it looks like the ugly parts of America.

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