Comment 53365

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted December 20, 2010 at 23:09:20


No I wouldn't, but I would like to note the Randall Reef and all of it's toxic glory certainly is helping the algae blooms in the area, another project which has fallen to the wayside due to lack of funding.

Yes, I will agree smog is a problem in Hamilton. So why would you build a stadium, a place where thousands (many from out of town) congregate to, directly next to the source of said smog.

I will agree, parts of Confederation Park have fallen derelict, and a good plan would be to renew the existing parkland for a fraction of the cost, and allow small scale commercial development build there.

You are also two large city blocks away from Eastgate Square, and while I do agree a GO station nearby helps it's case, the fact that a costly pedestrian bridge will be needed, as well as massive highway upgrade costs (to build the off ramps needed) will cost millions, which is to be expected any time you build next to the QEW, one of the world's busiest highways.

One last point I thought I would make, all the surrounding wards have voice adamant opposition against the site. Sam Merulla who has been anti-stadium since day one got in with over 65% of the vote! Chad Collins and Maria Pearson (another two incumbents) have consistently said that over 70% of their constituents don't want a stadium there. All the other sites, it has been quite muted.

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