Comment 53276

By John Neary (registered) | Posted December 18, 2010 at 13:23:18

Thus we have incidents such as the redevelopment of the Royal Connaught, where several entitled downtown business owners were up in arms that it might be turned into mixed income housing. I think the Connaught incident is a perfect example of the elitist attitude held by some as clearly certain people are desirable in the core while others aren't (read: poor people).

Many people who opposed the Connaught proposal did so because of its great expense ($180,000 of public money per subsidized unit) rather than for the reasons you cite. And if you think that the onus should be on those people to disavow any connection to the "no more poor people downtown" crowd, then the onus should equally be on people who are concerned about gentrification to dissociate themselves from the "no fat cats on James" crowd.

Or we could just accept that the small number of intolerant people on the fringe of any movement don't speak for the majority, and stop asking the moderates to apologize for ideas that they don't hold.

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