Comment 52769

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted December 07, 2010 at 13:15:43

That picture looks like Wilson around Hughson and John. But there isn't enough parking downtown for a new West Harbour Stadium... getting bitter again.

I have to agree with Andrea on the expectation of suburbanites on having free parking, no matter how cheap Hamilton parking really is. I also agree that maybe it's time to stop discussing enticing suburbanites downtown, they simply do not want to come. When I first moved to the suburbs you should have seen the reactions from the neighbors when I told them where I moved from, it was amazing. About half showed the kind of sympathy you give to someone with a terminal illness and the other half looked at us like we had a contagious illness. The people out here loathe and fear downtown Hamilton, let it be a local neighborhood and grow it's own charms organically. Get some students living in the Royal Connaught to provide some spending and energy. Convert the downtown expressways to 2-way traffic. Build the LRT. Do these things for the folks living there, not for some dream of having the suburbanites migrate to the core once or twice a month for amusements. It has been said here by others that Hamilton is really two cities, I have now lived in both and I couldn't agree more.

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