Comment 52691

By John Neary (registered) | Posted December 06, 2010 at 10:35:35

I accept Jill Stephen's point that in sections of King Street where the current road allowance would only permit two lanes for automobile traffic, it may make sense for them to be unidirectional. Two unidirectional lanes would permit a left turn lane at intersections and a parking/loading lane in between. These are design elements that favor local uses. If there are continuous sections of King Street where the road allowance permits two lanes for automobile traffic, it would seem best to have bidirectional traffic in those sections. Short stretches of two-way traffic facilitate local uses more than short stretches of multi-lane traffic facilitate long-range travel.

What I (like Ryan) really object to in the new proposal is the absence of two-way conversion on Main Street (and, by extension, Cannon Street.)

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