Comment 52677

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted December 05, 2010 at 21:01:36

I intend to write my city Councilor on this issue. Both Main and Cannon are one way through my ward and near to where I live. Cannon St west bound is essentially an expressway. It is not conducive to residential, or commercial development or in my opinion safe for pedestrian use. Traffic flow is far too fast, volume too high and there is no incentive for anyone to want to live or develop a business in the area. Evidence of this is plentiful in the number of boarded up and run down homes and former commercial buildings. Some of the homes on Cannon between John and Ferguson are absolutely beautiful architecturally but they look like shyte right now because they have been allowed to fall into disrepair, likely by absentee landlords who could care less.

A conversion to two way from Sherman to James could be a catalyst for a revival of sorts for this area.

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