Comment 52416

By wentworthst (anonymous) | Posted December 01, 2010 at 03:34:15

"It's time to develop a narrative around LRT that speaks to its great potential for Hamilton and that portrays Hamilton as the city it is and the city it can be, a narrative that revolves around hope, determination, ambition and vision."

Me, I love Hamilton for the downtown (and those potentials) most of all.

I've lived in 6 cities over the last 15 years (worked in many more), from as sleepy as Orangeville to as exciting as Amsterdam. We bought here-- a fantastic Victorian downtown-- and have never been happier with where we live.

This pretty much is Amsterdam, most days it sure looks and feels the same... Call it, Canada's Amsterdam.

See, when I worked in Holland, folks we dealt with from other cities would ask "Why live in Amsterdam? It's so dirty; it's got prostitution and drugs and poor people..."

But it is a beautiful city (and where they live is boring). Amsterdam is just Holland's Hamilton; sure, maybe an old, gritty and strange port. But an exceptionally amazing one for those same reasons.

Yeah, there's work to be done... But its good work!

Comment edited by wentworthst on 2010-12-01 02:36:20

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