Comment 52401

By Wentworthst (anonymous) | Posted November 30, 2010 at 16:28:32

@BobInnes... Sometimes naive, sometimes just diplomatic. Is there a usually a big difference in golf club tee-off times between those two agendas-groups? ; )

@CableGuy... 2 hours a week; Mon-Thurs @ 5pm, I believe. Sorry, but I think the job should go to a local informed journalist, not political leader.

Perhaps more so, electing media is my point, as their reputation is built on the work product of producers, editors, writers, etc. I feel it is dishonest to campaign on that as a typical personal record.

I am looking forward to seeing how it goes, and did not say Mayor Di Ianni could not be objective. I like the role models he sited yesterday on Bill Kelly, so... Good luck to all; it was not about any individual mentioned above, but the state of my industry.

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