Comment 5238

By Guyincognito (anonymous) | Posted February 08, 2007 at 17:15:16

It will only help us out if the buses run anywhere approaching on time and transfers actually work.

Evidently when your actually in the downtown core the busses work pretty well; on the mountain, out in stony creek area or out twoards mac they are often VERY out of sync, and often canceled without notice or update on either the website or the bus check phone line.

And frankly, were the people who need to get downtown regularly, easily, and without the cost of getting there being more expensive then going somewhere else in the city in order for the downtown core to get that revitialization it needs/wants. I mean your already downtown, of course you'll go to local things there they are closer. But for myself; being on the mountain- ancaster, upper james, downtown and stoney creek are all about the same distance away by car (give or take 5 minutes on the linc), so about the same cost in gas to go to any of the major resturant hubs of the city- except that downtown presents the extra cost of parking, the extra walk of not being able to park right in front of the resturant/store in question, and the brutal traffic to actually get downtown before say 8:00 when the traffic clears up considerabally.

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