Comment 52379

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted November 29, 2010 at 21:22:58

Sean asked "Are these reductions based on accidents per pedestrian"? Unknown. However because the study is comparing the same street at similar points in time, I think it is safe to assume that the number of pedestrians didn't change drastically either way. The assumption (yes it's an assumption.. I'm doing my best here) is based on the idea that people's walking habits won't change 'overnight' because of a change in traffic flow. Maybe I'm really weird? But it doesn't bother me to walk along Main, King, etc. The idea of changing the road that I walk on based on whether the street has two way or one way car traffic has never even crossed my mind.. ever. But, that's just me.

"Accidents per car"? Again unknown.

"Or simply a gross reduction"? Yes

"Could they be due to a reduction of pedestrian numbers on the whole because people avoid walking along and across fast one way streets"? Yes. It could just as likely (based on what we know) be due to an increase in pedestrian numbers who helped one another to be safer. Or, it could be due to one way streets being safer that two way.. or not. As John pointed out, better studies need to be done before conclusions(as presented here on RTH) can be reached.

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