Comment 52368

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted November 29, 2010 at 17:56:37

To me it's obvious that 2-way streets would have far more collisions both with pedestrians and with cars.

It's also obvious to me that 2-way streets would have far, far less fatalities or other serious collisions, not to mention having far fewer pedestrians in general. Speed kills, folks.

aside: was walking up King recently. Thinking about the LRT, I think King should remain 1-way for the sake of the businesses there. A 2-way King means no street-side parking for the 4-lane expanses of downtown. I'd rather have 1 traffic lane, 1 parking lane, 1 way than see those businesses completely lose their parking when LRT gobbles up 2 lanes. Either way it won't exactly be a lightning-fast road with a parking-lane and an LRT-line skooshing the single lane of traffic.

1-way king would also mean that people going westbound would not be encouraged to stay on York/Cannon as far as possible and then cram onto the already over-crowded Dundurn.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2010-11-29 16:57:13

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