Comment 52342

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted November 28, 2010 at 21:46:32

Undustrial said "Crossing Main (or much of King and York when not covered by construction) at Pearl or Ray is a heart-pounding adventure whether done on foot, on bike, or driving a car. It's like trying to exit a driveway onto the 401"

Undustrial, If you think that crossing a one way street is difficult, imagine how hard it would be if it were two way. Yup, about twice as difficult. I find it much more difficult to cross a 2way Queenston than it is to cross one way Main St. In fact, I find it pretty easy to cross Queenston. There is usually a long, safe gap in traffic between lights. Not sure what the problem is that you were having. Perhaps it was really bad luck with timing. I have to do that many times a week and don't find it at all challenging. Like I said, crossing two way streets is consistently much more difficult (and less safe).

Mr Janitor, considering that you did so driving at a safe speed, and as far as I can tell, did so without any potential dangers, I would certainly celebrate that as a statement of success for our streets.

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