Comment 52322

By JoeyColeman (registered) - website | Posted November 27, 2010 at 21:46:21

@Matt Demers

While the loss of Paul Wilson is huge, all indications are that he's not leaving Hamilton and will be more involved in the community. At some point, he was going to retire and the buyout may allow him to do more than we could imagine at the present time.

As a Hamiltonian studying journalism at Ryerson who watches RTH closely, I hope you apply into the paper. The Spectator needs Hamiltonians who want to be writing for news organization if its going to survive.


The anchors are also executive producers in most cases. They spend a lot of time putting the news package together. Reading is a small part of their job. The loss of Kernaghan will have a huge impact on their Pan Am coverage - he was the one breaking stories on that file. Barbara Brown's knowledge of cases before the courts is second to none. You can't replace that knowledge without placing a reporter in the position for five years.


OpenFile will assist in the growth of local journalism. The fact they'll be hiring local journalists is a need injection, but they won't be breaking news at City Hall or the Courthouse.


I have no illusions - I have a good career ahead of me, but it is unlikely it will be at The Spectator or in journalism full-time.


He makes a good point.


Agreed, the consolidation of ownership is a concern. Journalism was in trouble before the Internet. This is a good discussion of the problems:


I've heard many of the same names. Some very significant losses.

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